Author: Louise
•Wednesday, April 22, 2009
So I voted yesterday - stood in a Que for 2 and half hours, did not experience the excitement other people seem to talk about on tv etc as the outcome of the votes is pretty mush set in my opinion which makes it less exciting than if it was undecided. I listened to all the boring conversation and adverts as part of the election campaigns and was sad because no party in my opinion really got creative with how they were running their campaigns which was disappointing after the US elections where such a nice example was set for how to do things differently. Seems our nation is still a bit stuck and just little glimmers of hope coming up here and there of intelligent remarks and care for the people showing - like 90% of the people in the world I hate politicians yet we stand like sheep in a Que hoping that our one little cross can make an impact voting for the men and women that are bound to go on some power trip after they have been selected! May some force have mercy on our souls after Zuma takes his presidency! What was more important for me was the fact that in all the voting hype we somehow silently missed the fact that it was earth day and only late last night I was watching some programs like the 11th hour and some biography about PETA and Ingrid something the lady that seems to be running the show there. Realizing that our earth is dying slowly is always a wake up moment and seeing how we blissfully carry on day to day stabbing her slowly and deeply - God we are an arrogant race. The most profound words I heard some guys say in the 11th hour is that we have to become slower and smarter, that sounds like such a simple solution to all our day to day issues but it makes so mush sense and it sits so lekker with me that I have decided to take this up from now as part of my new approach to all that I do - then again I think a about my two girls and I pray that they will have what it takes for the challenges that they will deal with in their lifetime. So today for their sake and all the animals and plants in the world I voe to make a change to how I approach all the little things that I do from wasting to consuming, I will take charge of my own consumer driven plastic approach to all around me and go slower and smarter with what I do - so in fact I am casting a mush more important vote than the one on the ballet paper I did yesterday (which was for Auntie Hellen by the way - she needs to kick ass!) my vote is for mother earth and all that she nurtures - I will love her back for the life she has given me for the first time that I am breathing her air! So now I continue to love my husband better, cook the occasional meal for my family with love, take care of my one cat and one bird with more love, and adore my girls for who and what they are .....the human condition is a ironic one in deed - as we swing from dark to light day by day trapped in all the grey moments in between!
This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On April 23, 2009 at 1:57 AM , Anonymous said...


Your Blogg is great!You go girl!!!But have to admit you husband's photographs are brilliant.