Author: Louise
•Saturday, July 04, 2009
Yes Yes Yes - thanks to my friend Claire and my husband prompting me to take my blog serious I have pulled myself out of bed this morning and decided to write something. I have gone places and have stayed at home over the last month and half. I have been ecstatically happy and depressingly sad and as usual have visited some very dark and very light places within my own SOUL, therefore the silence and the title of my current post!

Micheal have died the BOKS have done wonderful and very funny stuff and looks like they have been on the same type of journey I have been on. The winter is eating away at my SOUL and I am feeding myself in the front end with as mush food as I can, this of course is not good for my backend which is growing and being used for a lot of sitting in front of the gas therefore I am ensuring the sister is padded well.I have visions of the summer coming and lifting my spirit and soul to a place where I feel inspired.

I am reading articles about people that believe time is moving faster and to some extend I agree bit there is something to say for age and experience which I believe my ripe 37 now allows me to talk about - with this reference you as an older person have the ability to freeze your own experience you have enough snapshots to refer back on and recognize all the different patterns - it might be new people and new surrounding but you recognize the repetition of it all and this creates the opportunity to freeze the moment at least for yourself - I dunno maybe I am losing it but I do get that feeling of slow motion and staring when I see the same thing happening over and over again in my life. I do believe this now creates an excellent opportunity to impact these moments as you go into what is called you power years from 35 - 50. I honestly believe NOW is the moment to make the difference, and I just hope I have the balls to do it!
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On July 16, 2009 at 10:12 PM , Anonymous said...

Believe that you’re special, through the hurt and the pain for sunshine will come, after the rain. Hold on to your dreams, let them not die and live not in torment by questioning why? The answers are somewhere and sometimes unkind, don't be what you're not, for often you'll find, you're all that you've got. Don't become battered by games people play and don't take to heart what others may say. You've got so much life and so much to give, go out and enjoy it, go out there and live! Though heartaches are many and tears they will flow, the more that you live the more you will grow. There are many that love you, don't ever forget, let the past be a lesson, you do not regret.:-) Allow the process that you going through and embrace it:-) As for the size of your "balls" this will put some ment to total shame:-) Claire

On July 22, 2009 at 12:04 PM , Anonymous said...

Hi Louise,
Wag in spanning vir die volgende aflewering!!!!