Author: Louise
•Tuesday, May 19, 2009
For those of you following the new "LOST" and I say new for SA (but maybe overseas it is about 2 series back from the newest "LOST" out) .....anyway watching it last night I said to my husband many times can you watch the same dialog between people saying "you must go back to the island to save the people on the island"...response: "I do not want to go back to the island" - over and over - I am sick and tired of the dragged out suspense and frankly I am no longer in suspense because I have "LOST" the feeling for it - it is disconnected! So my comment is get with it and find yourself and your audience for fuck sake because we are now tired!

So I am currently testing SAP before it going live as a platform at my work - I have been dedicated to a team of people that has to test the system for 5 weeks - click and I tell you it is exciting man for a sales person that is use to being out in field doing real work this clicking shit can tick you over ...right over the edge in fact...but I will remain calm, carry my share of the load and get the job done like the good little cow in the herd that I am..

The winter has barged down door and all into my living room and smoking has become an issue in the cold - then I know the sister is here to stay....because all I want to do is eat and sit in front of a heater....anyway if one of those people from LOST asked me to go back to the island there will be no convincing to be done between the winter and sap testing I will take my odds on the island!

So I want to congratulate the BULLS for winning the SHARKS and wish them all the best for Saturday - that's all I have to say about that.....

Because life is not like a BOX of chocolates is a fucking dark Forrest with monsters and dark places and wind constantly blowing in my face and making me loose my hairstyle which I still have not dealt with by the let me go smoke in the cold catch up on emails and deal with my hair! Thank you for listening to all that I am and keep on looking for those moments of bliss!
This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On May 20, 2009 at 4:45 AM , Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm I think I must speak to JK... sodat jy in die huis kan rook.....en ek weet presies waar....daar onder die trappe in die eet kamer(hou net vir my ook plek daar as ons kom kuier)....shame man jy gaan verkoue kry. Thanks for your best wishes on the Bulls....I always knew you liked the Bulls!!!!!.....Nou ja laat ek nog busse soek...die Indiers en die IPL maak my mal

On May 20, 2009 at 10:34 AM , Louise said...

I just want to say thank you to one of my most favourate people in the world - REALLY - Rouan for always making a little comment to make me smile and for always being enthusiastic about life, love , people and all other stuff - it is fantastic to have you in m life and wonderful to know that you are with my sister....!

On June 1, 2009 at 4:48 PM , Wendy said...

I'm behind on Lost, too. I didn't like the suspense so I watch it a couple of seasons behind and try desperately to duck my head down when I see current previews or news articles about it. It's a terrible way to live.

Your blog is pretty hilarious, btw. :)