Author: Louise
•Monday, June 01, 2009
Those of you watching CBeebies with you kids will know exactly what I am talking about, this tune has been going around in my head since the first time I heard it and I tell you it is not nice for me - anyway I have lost and found my own story about 79 times over the last week and 1/2 - therefore the silence on my blog - because there was too mush happening in my soul and I did not feel like bringing the whole world into my dark corner where I was trying to light up a fire with a broken lighter and wet wood ...

Lets start with some basics - ZUMA is doing well, and making some boxes green for a change, I love his Minister for Security or what ever whom I heard over the radio the other day making some hectic commitments of focusing on crime - his top being cash in transit robberies, hi-jacking, violent household robberies. You go Sir - bless you for finally wanting to work with the army and the local security companies to support the police - took you guys 14 years and a bit to figure that one out!

My next fantabulous moment while being busy with my new hairdo - thank goodness for that work in progress that has finally come into it's own - was a sms's from a company trying to sell stuff to me, asking me to unsubscribe to their mailing list by sending an sms at a charge of R3.00, have you ever seen such crap - now with mail in the olden days I use to just glance and chuck the stuff in the bin - now they want me to literally donate money to their crooked cause just in saying I do not want to part of their miserable way of making money! In principal of course I refuse to text back - and the story continues.....getting their sms's at the most horrific times and then trying to deal with the abuse with grace. Anyway at least my hair looks nice now, that is a good start!

Other fantastic moment over the last couple of days is dealing with people that does not have kids, all age groups these days have this condition, nothing wrong but I tell you their perspective is refreshing, still blaming their parents for all that went wrong mostly because they have not been a parent and obviously have no clue how mush mistakes parents make because it is so hard and the perfect action/answer or just energy escapes you at the most critical times and boom!!!your child has an issue for life - that they will talk about with their friends and lovers over the years to come.....then we are not even talking about the fairy fantasy that most girls walk around with until about 32 depending on her unique challenges but after that you can bet money the tale is shattered to pieces. I see them everywhere women chasing the perfect husband, the perfect house, the perfect career with the body & hair & outfits and the white picket fence.....why do we cling onto the fairytale ...

this brings me to having lost and found my own story about 79 times swinging between the fairytale and the icy cold realities of my daily routine and encounters. Those being hectic mornings where everybody is SO rushed we cannot find a brush, school ties or time to have a proper breakfast in peace, combined with traffic that looks like people are going on a mass exodus out the city, and fighting with your husband about the new puppies that chews cables and it's all my fault. Cherry on the cake of course is when your body starts with funny stuff like your skin breaking out at the age of 36 as if you are 14 (sit in a meeting with 10 other career obsessed males trying to look your age when this happens!) and then of course the story that has been talked about enough already YOUR SIZE - and how you are witness to your own changes silently in the mirror month on month that only you can see ...they are small but significant and a sign of time running out eventually ...

Yet I look at other women and I see them from the outside just coping fine - hair perfect, polite smiles, polite answers , no major shakes for the other sisters in my world...but then you sit them down and start a bit of chat and you see the story in Ballamore has a monster hiding far so deep ...

Well our new president looks like he has stuff under control so all we ladies have to do is sort our issues out, plan better like all the books say, make me time like all the books say, listen better like all the books say, love your body like all the books say.....
This entry was posted on Monday, June 01, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On June 1, 2009 at 12:10 PM , casa da poesia said...

Welcome!!!...for you...

"Negema wangu binti"

On June 29, 2009 at 8:35 PM , Anonymous said...

Jeez Louise you have been awfully quiet? What’s been happening? last update was on the 01st of June and here i am anxiously waiting for what’s happening? Balamore? New Hairdo’s, beautiful sunsets  and especially Zuma 
